Deep-Ocean Stewardship

A Global Issue

Human activities in the deep ocean are accelerating rapidly, mostly out of sight, directly disturbing the stability and natural balance of this finely tuned ecosystem. Indirectly, as human-induced climate change advances, deeper water is warming, the concentration of oxygen is decreasing and the pH is getting lower (more acidic). Consequently, the resilience of the deep ocean, its residents and the key ecosystem services it provides is becoming compromised.

Deep-ocean biodiversity supports critical ecosystem functions and services including nutrient recycling, carbon sequestration and a storehouse – a living library – of genetic resources that may hold benefits to humans and the key to future adaptation. It is imperative, therefore, to manage the deep ocean from a global, multi-sectoral and cross-disciplinary perspective, to enable its sustainable use and to safeguard this vital planetary ecosystem for current and future generations.

Gaps abound in deep-ocean governance: most legal frameworks, both national and international, lack essential mechanisms to manage and protect ocean resources. Many countries with deep-water resources lack the expertise to support sustainable management and protection, while in international waters, there is no consistent application of environmental assessment approaches. There is a real risk that the deep ocean will become further industrialised and degraded without sufficient environmental planning.

The DOSI Network

The Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) is a network of experts from over 80 countries who practice deep-ocean science, governance and other activities, although predominantly deep-sea ecology.   It was born from collaborations formed during the Census of Marine Life project (2000-2010) and the desire among several deep-ocean scientists to make their research count at the policy level. DOSI was thus formed to develop new ideas for sustainable use and management of deep-ocean resources. A DOSI Core Team serve on a voluntary basis in their personal capacity to collectively oversee, guide and support the work of DOSI.  It is made up of 5 Steering Committee members, 16 Advisory Board Members and 19 Working Group Leads. A secretariat function is performed by the DOSI Office, led by the Executive Director.  Joining DOSI is free and information relevant to deep ocean science-policy engagement is shared.  The DOSI Governing Document is available for further information.

Our Mission

DOSI’s mission is to utilise independent scientific findings about the deep ocean to support its ecosystem-based management and integrate other fields of expertise in the development of deep-ocean strategies and solutions.

Thank you to our funders

Without the generous support of our funders we would not be able to provide impartial science-based advice to policymakers. 

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