Contribute to a Challenger 150 Review Paper
25 April, 2023
Challenger 150, an international deep-sea biology programme launched by DOSI and endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science, is seeking contributors for a new review paper. This review will focus on identifying gaps in our scientific understanding of deep-ocean biodiversity in the north Atlantic Ocean, from the eastern Atlantic to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Details about the paper’s goals can be found here.
This project is being led by Challenger 150’s North Atlantic and Eastern Tropical Pacific/ Western Tropical Atlantic Working Groups, and all who would like to contribute are invited to express their interest using the form linked below. The form also includes an option to sign up for the Regional Working Groups’ email lists.
Register your interest in contributing to Challenger 150’s North Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico Review Paper
You can learn more about the Challenger 150 Programme on its official website.