We are delighted to announced that biological oceanographer Sanae Chiba is joining Lucy Woodall and Nélia Mestra as co-lead of the new working group on Pollution & Debris in the deep sea. Sanae is a Senior Scientist at JAMSTEC. She has studied marine ecosystem responses to climate change and other global environmental pressures throughout her research career, in part through the North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey programme. A secondment appointment at UNEP-WCMC from 2016-2019 allowed Sanae to expand her research focus towards the science-policy interface. Since 2019, Sanae has been leading the Marine Plastics Research Group of JAMSTEC, which conducts intensive deep-sea marine debris observation, and is keen to collaborate with the international community to establish a global integrated marine debris monitoring system. Sanae is a member of the GOOS Biology Ecosystem Panel and Group of Experts of the World Ocean Assessment II.