World Oceans Day 2020
Tuesday 9th June, 12pm UTC: Marine Science-Policy Interface, organised by DOSI’s Maria Baker and featuring Harriet Harden-Davies
Tuesday 9th June, 8am PT / 11am ET / 4pm BST: Deep-Sea Exploration & Stewardship
Wednesday 10th June, 1pm UTC: Wonders of the Deep
Monday 8th June, 12.20pm EDT / 5.30 BST: OceanX: Science, Technology and Deep Sea Exploration
The segment will highlight exciting developments in the world of science, technology and exploration, with a particular focus on deep sea exploration, opportunities for future discoveries and the rapid progress in this field.
Monday 8th June, 9am GMT / 8pm NZT: Creatures of the Deep
Monday 8th June, 8pm EDT / 5pm PDT: Celebrating World Ocean Day: SOI Brings the Ocean to You