How many deep-sea stewards?
The Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative is a network of over 2600 subscribers from at least 108 countries, shown in pale blue in the interactive map above. Formed in 2013 by a group of 24 scientists, lawyers, and others concerned about threats to the deep ocean and motivated to improve science-based policy, DOSI has now expanded to all corners of the globe. But we must not stop there. We need representatives of all nations with deep sea interests, and since a healthy planet requires a healthy deep sea, this means every single nation. Sign up here.
How does DOSI make a difference?
DOSI assimilates and translates science into policy-relevant publications (view our Policy Briefs), sends delegations of deep-ocean experts to participate in meetings, and proactively engages at national and global scales to inform decision-making. As an official observer at key international processes, including at the United Nations (UN) and the International Seabed Authority (ISA), DOSI provides crucial scientific input to the formulation of policy, regulations, and programs for the deep ocean. Through DOSI’s network and partnerships with scientific groups, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), and governments, DOSI is working to build global scientific capacity to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals and is keen to enable all nations to effectively engage in these processes.
Become a deep-sea steward with DOSI
Signing up is easy (SIGN UP HERE). We send out a weekly newsletter and a bi-annual Deep-Sea Life publication. If you want to get more involved, join our working groups by navigating to a topic below and following the instructions there.
Current working groups address the following priority areas (click for further details):
- Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction
- Minerals
- Climate Change
- Fisheries
- Oil & Gas
- Marine Genetic Resources
- Pollution & debris
- Deep-Sea Tailings Disposal
- New Technologies for Environmental Impact
- Decade of Deep-Ocean Science